So close to crawling!

She always wants the camera!

Woohoo lunch! MMMMM!!!

Daddy and Jo-jo wrestling on the grass!

She loves to chew on her stuffed animal Mickey!
I caught her in the act! Loves the crib!

Nap time is done mom, pick me up!!!

She loves this dog, Chase! He's deaf, which is probably a good thing! Haha!
Wow how time flys!!! Jordan turned 8 months on Wednesday the 21st! She is on the verge of crawling, she hasn't quite gotten the motion down yet, but I'm sure she will soon and then I'll
Wow how time flys!!! Jordan turned 8 months on Wednesday the 21st! She is on the verge of crawling, she hasn't quite gotten the motion down yet, but I'm sure she will soon and then I'll
wonder why I wanted her to crawl so bad! :) We also had a doc appointment on Tuesday and she is 31 inches long and weighs 22 lbs. She is just a long, lean, but thick (if that makes sense?)
little girl. Here are a few things she loves:
She loves to say MA-MA! By drawing it out and repeating it over and over, she just really likes to hear her voice. Her dad. The dog. Grandpa and Grandma. Car rides. Car keys. Our cell phones. Food (mostly vegetables). Rolling and rolling. Listening to her own voice. Her hands. Lights. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Special Agent Oso's paw pilot girl, (when she sings). She loves her basket of toys, she will take them out and put them away over and over again. Her basketball. Her toes in her mouth. She loves to play with her two bottom teeth with her tongue. Music, whenever it comes on she will rock back and forth. She loves to be outside. She loves her sleep. Loves stuffed animals, especially bears. Likes to eat books and paper. Walks in her stroller. Playing with her dad's legs. Giving "kisses", she sticks her tongue out whenever you say, "kisses". (so sweet of her, haha) Any way I could go on and on. We love this little girl so much and are so greatful to be her parents.
I can't believe she is that old! And she looks so old too! 22lbs.! I love it! 3 more and she will be right with Brod! hah. I love big babies. That's the way they should be. Hey we all need to get together again!
She is so big! She definitely weighs more than Sadie...I guess I need to feed her more vegetables :) She is a doll and a half, and so lucky to have such awesome parents! Hope you're still loving SV. I loved reading about all the things she's doing and loving right now. How fun...
what cute clothes. haha those slippers are to die for! :0)I was just thinking about his girl, and how much I missed her, and wishing I could see a picture of her! Then! I saw you updated your blog! Yay! Lots of pics! And her hair is growing in super cute! What a blessed day. :0)
My oh my how fast they grow! We miss you guys lots...hope al is well!
oh my goodness...we miss you guys so much!! honestly...that little Jordan is to die for!
Hello Fellow Blogger :)
I am trying to win a stroller and I need your votes! Can you help me?
All you have to do is click on the link:
Find my name (Heidi Joncas) and vote!
Then spread the word! Blog it, tweet it, forward it and facebook it. I would really appreciate the help.
She is a doll! I love her little outfits. She has got great style ;)
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