May 5th was our 3rd wedding anniversary. We celebrated it by going out to eat, I can't remember where haha. But we treated ourselves to half a week without Jordan the 12-15, Wednesday through to Saturday. Our good friends from Salt Lake were meeting up once again. Peter's parents had a time share they weren't going to be using so they asked him if he wanted to use it, so nice of them!!! And I'm glad Peter and Meghan decided to share with us as well and they chose a resort in Scottsdale called The Rocks. It was beautiful. Pretty much we were spoiled with luxury. Peter and Meghan got there Sunday along with Travis and Teresa. Jaron and Lauren got there Tuesday and then we arrived on Wednesday. It was so much fun to see all of their beautiful faces again. I miss these peeps. We layed out, played games, most importantly ate :), we went to a really fun waterpark for a day called wet n wild. (if you have a chance to go do it, it is really fun) My other good friend Gina gave me the best gift during that time which was to watch Jordan. So sweet of her. It was nice because she had her from Wednesday-Friday and she lives in Maricopa which is only 40 minutes or so away from Scottsdale so if Jordan wasn't cooperating or any emergency she wasn't too far from me. Thanks to her a million times over. Then I met Gina at a mall and picked up Jordan, drove to Tucson and met Trent and Shelby. Then they took her to their place until my parents met up with them in Tucson and took her back to Sierra Vista with them for the night and Saturday until we came home that afternoon. I am so grateful everyone was willing to help out and take her in a heartbeat. It was definitely weird though not being with her those days and nights, then seeing her and leaving her again. But it was worth it, sometimes we need vacations, especially when you get a sweet chance like this one. I think they are healthy. All in all we had an awesome time!!!